Installation of water-resistant timber in floors, bathrooms, and shower cabins
Architecture: Jordi Hidalgo i Tané
Entering the rooms of the Landaburu Borda country house, the Naturfloor-W wooden floor (an AC6 natural wood floor especially designed for rooms with heavy, frequent traffic and suitable for spaces in frequent contact with water) takes us to their bathrooms, in which the Country Oak wood finish takes continuity over walls, floors, furniture, and even inside the shower cabins.
With a 14 mm thick and a bevelled edge, Naturfloor-W is installed as glued floor, with different board widths (188 and 290 mm). The boards rest on pieces of sound-proofing blankets laid out in parallel. Between them, elastic adhesive lines were applied to secure said boards to the ground. They are joined together by a tongue-and-groove machining, to which a line of PVA D3/D4 glue is applied to hold them together and to avoid water leaks into their structure.
Furniture has been custom made with standard Naturpanel-W wood panels, the same material as used in walls, which has been cut to size to allow the installation of electrical and water sources.
A glass curtain separates the WC space from the shower. The shower stall is continuous with the same Country Oak finish, although here the material used is the Naturhardpanel-W board, the Parklex Prodema covering for areas frequently in contact with water which is built on an HPL core that makes it watertight.
The shower stall’s lower corner has been resolved with a superimposed edge system, applying a sealant from above to below the panel to prevent water entry. Installing the panels on laths provides for good water draining and air circulation. These two qualities guarantee hygiene and a long material life.
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Contact usPanels with natural timber
Parklex Prodema panels feature a surface layer with natural timber as opposed to printed paper, bringing a high-quality feel to facades and interiors.